Below are the expectations and requirements, review them and make sure to let us know if you have any questions. When you are ready, click the '2015 Jr. Staff Application' tab or go HERE to fill out the application. It is a few pages long, so make sure you fill out all the pages before you submit it.
Applications and letters of recommendation should be in by August 18, 2014. Please contact our Leadership Seminar Chair, aka HOBY, Mama Hillary at if you have any questions!
HOBY ILCS 2015 Jstaff
Expectations and Requirements
Expectations and Requirements
- Make every effort to attend at least 1 of the 2-3 Jr. Staff meetings and workshops.
- Attend the All Staff Training Day in its entirety. To be held one month before the seminar.
- Complete the Pre-Seminar Packet and Risk Management Quiz.
- Maintain transparency and keep lines of communication open.
- Be open and honest when conflicts arise. We are here to help you!
“Easy-Win” Requirements
- Attend HOBY ILCS 2015 in its entirety, starting on Wednesday and running through 6pm on Sunday. Our seminar will be held at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, IL in June 2015. The exacts dates will be announced soon.
- Watch/participate in 1 of the 3 September Google On Air Hangouts.
- Participate in a monthly check-in call with your Sr. Staff Mentor
- Maintain an updated binder with staff info as it is sent out.
- Issue a check for $20 for staff polo by 9/30/14 -- only if you do not already have one.
- Follow HOBY ILCS on Twitter
- Like the HOBY ILCS Facebook page
- Be in the HOBY ILCS Staff Facebook group
“Meat & Potatoes” Requirements
- Speak at at least 1 service club meeting. An adult staff member must go with students still in high school. For those who are out-of-state, a substitute requirement will be used.
- Fundraise a minimum donation of $195 for HOBY ILCS. $100 be turned in by December 1, 2014. A staffers total donation must be at least 50% non-parent money. So if a parent writes a $195 check, that person would need to fundraise $195 from an outside source equaling a total donation of $390.
- The goal of this rule is to try and ensure that any parent donation is less that $100(unless they want to donate more!) and that all staffers are putting in the same amount of effort and that no one is floating.
- Complete and log 100 hours of L4S. 50 must be completed by December 31, 2014, no exceptions. The remaining must be logged by June 1, 2015.
- For 2014 alums, the dates would start June 13, 2014. This way it includes the seminar L4S project hours.
- For all other alums, the dates would start June 16, 2014.
- Recruit and ensure the registration of 3 schools or 5 ambassadors. Only one of the numbers needs to be met. One student/school must be the Jstaffers home high school. This must be complete by December 1, 2014.
- All HS Jstaffers must get their school to send again. These students must be registered by the National Priority Deadline.
- If multiple staffers go to a school, they each need to get a student. So if there are 4 staffers, they need to get 4 students registered. If more than 4 staffers go to the same school, then we would work with the older staffers to find a reasonable alternative.
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