Reuniting with ILCS friends at the 2013 World Leadership Congress |
Matt Bunten
Role on the Planning Team
Director of Leadership for Service(L4S)
Currently Attends
Graduate school at Bradley University
L4S hours
Currently Attends
Graduate school at Bradley University
L4S hours
Fellow staffers would vote you "Most likely to..."
Fellow staffers would vote you "Most likely to..."
"Most likely to go crazy over pumpkin donuts"
Favorite L4S project
When I was younger I attended a work camp with my church in Kentucky. My group did some landscaping, roofing, painting, and we put up some soffit. I like home improvement projects like that where the end result of the work is apparent right away.
What has HOBY given you?
What has HOBY given you?
HOBY has given me a number of wonderful friendships, a network, and an additional outlet to share ideas, gather or give support, or to better my environment.
What do you hope to pass on to the 2014 HOBY ILCS Ambassadors?
I hope to pass on a proactive and tenacious spirit.
Favorite Quote
"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
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